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Meet your English teacher Oppy!

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map markerNigeria
user languageNear-native
thumb up192 positive feedbacks
students106 active students
lessons1175 lessons
Lessons taught
About myself
Hello there! I'm Oppy, and I have been teaching English since 2021. I teach English in a fun and interesting way. I enjoy teaching because watching kids understand and appreciate English is like seeing magic happen. In my lessons, we chat about cool stuff, sing songs, use stories, and play games. I love reading and exploring new places, and I bring those experiences into our lessons to make them super interesting. I create lessons that fit your child’s unique way of learning. I can't wait to see you in my class. My Superpower is patience and kindness and I also have an angelic voice! See you soon!
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map markerNigeria
user languageNear-native
thumb up192 positive feedbacks
students106 active students
lessons1175 lessons